Sunday, August 18, 2019

Benefits of Topical Magnesium

Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays a crucial role in over 300 essential metabolic functions, including energy production, muscle function, nerve function, DNA replication, protein synthesis, and healthy bones and teeth?  Despite the importance of magnesium, an estimated 55% of Americans are deficient!

Some signs you may not be getting enough magnesium include:
· Nausea                                                                             
· Fatigue
· Weakness
· Numbness and tingling in the extremities
· Muscle cramps, twitching, or contractions
· Abnormal heart rhythms
· Difficulty sleeping                                                                 
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The good news, is that just by giving your body sufficient magnesium on a regular basis can often reduce and even sometimes reverse the symptoms.   Our bodies absorb magnesium through foods we eat that contain high levels of magnesium such as cacao, avocado, nuts such as almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts, legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and peas, bananas, whole grains, and leafy greens.  Do you get your fair share of those? Alternatively, our bodies also absorb magnesium through the skin with topical applications like Jordan Essentials Magnesium products. I love applying our Magnesium Lotion, for the added boost and benefits.  
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The benefit of topical applications are numerous including:
  1. Higher Level of Absorption:  Although absorption rates vary, applying magnesium to the skin absorbs into the bloodstream faster and more efficiently than with oral supplementation.  One study, conducted in 2010, used hair analysis before and after a 12 week trial period, measuring levels of magnesium found in the hair analysis, along with documented symptoms.  During this study, it was found that oral supplementation participants took 9 - 24 months to achieve the same results as what was achieved in just 12 weeks with the topical application. 

  2. More Easily Assimilated:  Interestingly, some people have trouble assimilating magnesium they consume in their foods.  Those same difficulties assimilating are often seen when using oral supplements.  Topical applications don’t follow the same pathways in the body to assimilation and are often absorbed more effectively.  Additionally, a study done in 2015 by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, revealed that 79% of magnesium supplements tested didn’t actually contain the levels of magnesium listed on the label. 

  3.Apply it Right Where it is Needed:  Muscle aches and pains are often caused by inflammation and magnesium may help to reduce that inflammation offering relief.  JE lotions, sticks, and sprays offer high quality magnesium in an efficient way, right to the site of the pain.  

  4. It’s Easy and Economical:  Applying a lotion or using a spray can be done with anyone, at any age, in any location, with minimal effort.  No need to choke down pills or force yourself to drink unpleasant concoctions.  Instead, enjoy the therapeutic effects and pleasing aromas of the JE Magnesium Lotion, JE Magnesium Stick, JE Magnesium Spray, or JE Magnesium Dead Sea Salts Soak.
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Potential Benefits of Using JE Magnesium Products may include: 
· Decreased Inflammation
· Enhanced cognitive function
· Fewer headaches and migraines
· Improved sleep
· Reduction of stress and anxiety
· Decrease of muscle aches and pains
· Topical absorbs faster than supplemental sources
· Apply right to the source
· Quickly assimilated into the bloodstream

If you are interested in trying a sample or would like additional free information complete this form.

~ Kim

Magnesium Products can be purchased at this link.

Note:  The information provided is intended for educational purposes only, and does not replace the advice of your doctor.  Contact your healthcare professional for assistance regarding any symptoms, ailments, or medications you currently are experiencing.  Use good judgement when it comes to your health. 

Jordan Essentials does not claim to cure any illness.  Check with your doctor first if pregnant, nursing or taking medication. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  

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