Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Truly Healthy Face Care

NOT ME! THAT'S FOR SURE!  Have you ever had one of those early morning moments while looking in the mirror?  Your hair is a huge mess, your eyes are sunk in with bags underneath and all of a sudden, you spot something...something new.  Oh my - it's something you've seen before, but not quite like this.  Do I dare say it?  It's a wr..k.e…..Yes, it's a wrinkle...What do we do, we rush to the store or spa and spend all our life-savings on every anti-aging technique known to man.

Why do we do? Today as a society, we've become obsessed with staying young - and constantly searching for the fountain of youth.  For some, it goes beyond the surface level of just looking young, it's about looking well, feeling well and being well.  It gives many of us the opportunity to stay healthy and strong, and to provide us with another chance to do more with our lives.

There are millions of things out there we can do to be able to maintain our youthful appearance, but keep in mind that not all methods are effective and healthy for you. What you put on your skin is important and truly matters, it absorbs into your bloodstream within 26 seconds. Be mindful and use caution when changing up your health and beauty routine - your self care is just as important as everything else you do.

Jordan Essentials provides healthier products for a healthier life, you can look into that mirror and say Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Prettiest and Healthiest of All!

You can visit my website to view or purchase your healthy skin care products.

If you have questions, would like a sample or just to chat - please complete my form.

  ~ Kim

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