Saturday, September 21, 2019

Close your eyes and smell the Sunshine!!!

Aside from its many benefits for our body, Lemon oil is also a very powerful cleanser...You can mix this cleanser in just a jiffy for a house that shines and smells like sunshine.

All purpose Cleaner
1 1/2 cups distilled water
1/4 cup white vinegar
25 drops Jordan Essentials Lemon Oil

Combine ingredients and mix well in a spray bottle.    

Spray to clean and wipe with a microfiber cloth. You can also use a toothbrush for those hard to reach areas.  Shine your stainless steel, remove the caked on gunk from your oven, microwave, sink fixtures, countertops, appliances and so much more.

Mold and Mildew Cleaner
1 cup white vinegar
15 drops Jordan Essentials Lemon Oil
15 drops Jordan Essentials Tea Tree Oil

Combine ingredients and mix well in a spray bottle.  Spray on surface to be cleaned, wipe with microfiber cloth, spray again with cleaner and allow to air dry.                                 


Wood Floor Cleaner
2 cups distilled water
2 Tbsp. white vinegar
10 drops Jordan Essentials Lemon Oil

Combine ingredients and mix well in a spray bottle.  Squirt a little on the floor and mop up with a wet rag.      

Mirror and Window Cleaner
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1 Tbsp cornstarch
10 drops Jordan Essentials Lemon Oil

Combine ingredients and mix well in a spray bottle.  Spray on windows, mirrors or glass. Wipe clean with a lint-free cloth.                                                   

Jordan Essentials provides a way for you to clean your home healthier also! You can purchase your Lemon Essential Oil and Tea Tree Oil along with other healthier products from my website.

If you have questions, would like a sample or just wanna chat - please complete my form.

~ Kim

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Top Tips To Love Your Lips

Summer sun-kissed lips will be turning to fall wind and winter chapped ones soon! Get ready and grab some great tips to take care of them.

We just have to love our lips -  we know when they are dry and cracked, and we know when they are happy and healthy.

The skin on our lips is super sensitive, and it needs special care like no other skin on our bodies.


When you use a straw, your lips stay puckered much longer than you want. You are actually drawing the skin in around your mouth each time you take a sip from a straw.  Occasional use is ok - but daily use will just add wear and tear to your lips. Avoid the pucker look with a glass or water bottle that flows without the straw.

Water makes your skin pretty - hydration does the job to perfection for you. Grab 20 oz. or more of water and drink up!

Did you know you eat what you put on your lips?
Products that are applied to your skin are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. When we talk about out lips, these products tend to get consumed as we lick our lips or talk. Unfortunately, many commercial products that you purchase for your lips can contain petroleum-based ingredients such as mineral oil that is not only drying but toxic to the skin.  Avoid mineral oil (petroleum-based product), parabens, lead and other synthetic oils. Read your labels and look for plant based ingredients.

Ingredients like natural beeswax, shea butter, jojoba oil and vitamin E are great healthy lip choices. These don't just sit on top of your lips, they actually penetrate deep into the skin to moisture at a cellular level.  Your lips feel great even after the product has worn off.


Sometimes we need a little extra help removing dead skin cells, toxins, and pollutants that get into the pores of the skin. Exfoliate gently, leaving your lips smooth and kissably soft.

Shea butter is the perfect choice to add as a moisturizing base before lip care morning and night. 

Apply a Multi-Peptide Firming Serum or Anti Aging Eye Gel around your lips after exfoliating and before applying lip color for fine line and wrinkles...

Kids tend to lick their lips when they are dry...Sugar lip exfoliates can get rid of dry, flaky skin and give their lips a fresh, healthy start! AND since it is made from sugar and plant-based oils, this means it is safe if they lick it...

You can visit my website to find these and other natural, healthier products for your family.  If you have questions, or just want to chat - please feel free to reach out to me by completing this form.

~ Kim

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Truly Healthy Face Care

NOT ME! THAT'S FOR SURE!  Have you ever had one of those early morning moments while looking in the mirror?  Your hair is a huge mess, your eyes are sunk in with bags underneath and all of a sudden, you spot something...something new.  Oh my - it's something you've seen before, but not quite like this.  Do I dare say it?  It's a wr..k.e…..Yes, it's a wrinkle...What do we do, we rush to the store or spa and spend all our life-savings on every anti-aging technique known to man.

Why do we do? Today as a society, we've become obsessed with staying young - and constantly searching for the fountain of youth.  For some, it goes beyond the surface level of just looking young, it's about looking well, feeling well and being well.  It gives many of us the opportunity to stay healthy and strong, and to provide us with another chance to do more with our lives.

There are millions of things out there we can do to be able to maintain our youthful appearance, but keep in mind that not all methods are effective and healthy for you. What you put on your skin is important and truly matters, it absorbs into your bloodstream within 26 seconds. Be mindful and use caution when changing up your health and beauty routine - your self care is just as important as everything else you do.

Jordan Essentials provides healthier products for a healthier life, you can look into that mirror and say Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Prettiest and Healthiest of All!

You can visit my website to view or purchase your healthy skin care products.

If you have questions, would like a sample or just to chat - please complete my form.

  ~ Kim

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Light Up your life with Lemon Essential Oil

Do you feel a little sad or blue at times?
If I said Lemon Oil to the rescue would you think sour face first, maybe you took a bite of one and have never forgotten that feeling of sour hitting your tongue.
 Well this is definitely not that lemon. Lemon Essential Oil is so much more.

Lemon Essential Oil is well known for its "sass up your day and feel better uplifting qualities", and is often used to help support the immune system, ward off fatigue, and boosting emotions.  It's also been found to help reduce feelings of nausea when used aromatically.

Using pure, therapeutic-grade lemon essential oils aromatically or combined with other essential oils or bases can really light up your life! You can use them as body sprays and room sprays also.
Several scientific studies show many benefits of Lemon Essential Oil to the skin due to their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiseptic qualities. (Reference)  Keep in mind, however, that Lemon Essential Oil can create photosensitivity in ,sensitive skin, which means it is recommended to avoid any sun exposure after applying diluted Lemon Essential Oil to the skin.  Always dilute essential oils and never ingest. Do not add in water or to drink, ever. Really. That is what one or two whole lemon fruit is for! Lemon is a powerful cleanser, too.  Lemon Essential Oil can be used to effectively and easily remove gummy residue off personal items, such as when trying to remove price tags off new purchases.  Use  Lemon Essential Oil Spray to refresh trash cans, gym bags, or areas that need purifying and freshening.   Lemon Essential Oil also works great added to your natural household cleaners and laundry detergent. Try Jordan Essentials Pure Cold Processes Lemon Essential Oil.  Combine with other Jordan Essential Products such as JE Skin Relief, Unscented Hand & Body Lotion, Unscented Salt Scrubs, and Shea Body Butters.
Quick Tip! Got Cats
Add 5-7 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil to a bottle of JE Lemon Essential Oil Spray for a delightful aroma combination that also works well to deter cats. Spritz areas you want your cats to avoid such as rugs or furniture they may have been using as scratching posts. During the summer months, this also works well in the garden to keep cats and pests away from plants and herbs.
~ Kim
If you'd like more information or just to chat, I'd love to hear from you. If you'd like more product information or a sample just complete my form. Lemon Essential Oil Spray can be purchased at this link. Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything.  Information provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Jordan Essentials does not recommend ingesting any essential oils.  Not endorsed by the FDA. Avoid direct sunlight after application to the skin.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Spritz Your Pits Challenge

Do you read cautions and warning about ingredients?  Do you flip over a bottle faster than John Wayne draws a gun?   Or maybe you just feel guilty and really don't want to put that much energy into being nontoxic.

There is a simple solution!  5 powerful Essentials Oils blend in ancient formula to ward off the plague and sometimes your pit odor is that plague!  Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus to the rescue. Arm pits can be more sensitive than your Great Aunt Simone at Christmas dinner. Sensitive under-arms need some TLC, and that doesn’t mean using harmful deodorants that contain toxins like parabens or aluminum!  Jordan Essentials Deodorants are a safer alternative...and coupled with our Spritz Your Pits Spray, those odors just don’t stand a chance! 


So take the Spritz Your Pits Challenge and experience the difference Jordan Essentials can make in your freshness...without those toxic chemicals! You will feel better and know that you are doing what is best for your body. Follow the steps below for two weeks and then comment below with your results.  We know you’ll love the difference! 

  1. Cleanse with Jordan Essentials Shower Gel or one of our other amazing soaps. 
  2. When you get out of the shower, dry off completely, then spritz the underarms with Jordan Essentials Spritz Your Pits Spray. 
  3. Allow the spray to dry, then follow up with your favorite Jordan Essentials Deodorant (optional step, depending on your needs). 
 4. In most cases, reapplication won’t be necessary. If you feel in need of a little “boost”, add another spritz of Spritz Your Pits Spray or Deodorant. If you are still experiencing odor, use Jordan Essentials Purifying Charcoal Mask or Jordan Essentials Charcoal Soap while showering for a deeper “detox” of the pits.

This works so well because the spray contains powerful essential oils that anti-bacterial - Did you know that bacteria is the leading cause of pit odor as your body naturally flushes toxins through the lymph system and sweat.

To get started with YOUR Spritz Your Pits Challenge you can click here to go directly to my Jordan Essentials website: Please feel free to reach out to me at with any questions.
~ Kim
Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any disease.  Consult your doctor with any specific health issues.  Not for use on children under 3.  Warming oils, so test the skin for sensitivity.  Recommended for external use only, or diffusing for 30 minutes or less.  Not endorsed by the FDA.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Benefits of Topical Magnesium

Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays a crucial role in over 300 essential metabolic functions, including energy production, muscle function, nerve function, DNA replication, protein synthesis, and healthy bones and teeth?  Despite the importance of magnesium, an estimated 55% of Americans are deficient!

Some signs you may not be getting enough magnesium include:
· Nausea                                                                             
· Fatigue
· Weakness
· Numbness and tingling in the extremities
· Muscle cramps, twitching, or contractions
· Abnormal heart rhythms
· Difficulty sleeping                                                                 
                                                                                                    No photo description available.
The good news, is that just by giving your body sufficient magnesium on a regular basis can often reduce and even sometimes reverse the symptoms.   Our bodies absorb magnesium through foods we eat that contain high levels of magnesium such as cacao, avocado, nuts such as almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts, legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and peas, bananas, whole grains, and leafy greens.  Do you get your fair share of those? Alternatively, our bodies also absorb magnesium through the skin with topical applications like Jordan Essentials Magnesium products. I love applying our Magnesium Lotion, for the added boost and benefits.  
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The benefit of topical applications are numerous including:
  1. Higher Level of Absorption:  Although absorption rates vary, applying magnesium to the skin absorbs into the bloodstream faster and more efficiently than with oral supplementation.  One study, conducted in 2010, used hair analysis before and after a 12 week trial period, measuring levels of magnesium found in the hair analysis, along with documented symptoms.  During this study, it was found that oral supplementation participants took 9 - 24 months to achieve the same results as what was achieved in just 12 weeks with the topical application. 

  2. More Easily Assimilated:  Interestingly, some people have trouble assimilating magnesium they consume in their foods.  Those same difficulties assimilating are often seen when using oral supplements.  Topical applications don’t follow the same pathways in the body to assimilation and are often absorbed more effectively.  Additionally, a study done in 2015 by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, revealed that 79% of magnesium supplements tested didn’t actually contain the levels of magnesium listed on the label. 

  3.Apply it Right Where it is Needed:  Muscle aches and pains are often caused by inflammation and magnesium may help to reduce that inflammation offering relief.  JE lotions, sticks, and sprays offer high quality magnesium in an efficient way, right to the site of the pain.  

  4. It’s Easy and Economical:  Applying a lotion or using a spray can be done with anyone, at any age, in any location, with minimal effort.  No need to choke down pills or force yourself to drink unpleasant concoctions.  Instead, enjoy the therapeutic effects and pleasing aromas of the JE Magnesium Lotion, JE Magnesium Stick, JE Magnesium Spray, or JE Magnesium Dead Sea Salts Soak.
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Potential Benefits of Using JE Magnesium Products may include: 
· Decreased Inflammation
· Enhanced cognitive function
· Fewer headaches and migraines
· Improved sleep
· Reduction of stress and anxiety
· Decrease of muscle aches and pains
· Topical absorbs faster than supplemental sources
· Apply right to the source
· Quickly assimilated into the bloodstream

If you are interested in trying a sample or would like additional free information complete this form.

~ Kim

Magnesium Products can be purchased at this link.

Note:  The information provided is intended for educational purposes only, and does not replace the advice of your doctor.  Contact your healthcare professional for assistance regarding any symptoms, ailments, or medications you currently are experiencing.  Use good judgement when it comes to your health. 

Jordan Essentials does not claim to cure any illness.  Check with your doctor first if pregnant, nursing or taking medication. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  

Tone, Firm and Feel Great with Grapefruit Essential Oil

During Summer we want to look our best in less! We are wearing shorts, swimsuits and cute sleeveless tops and some of us might need a little boost from powerful essential oils to firm and tone!

Cellulite Scrub, Slender Spray and Tone & Firm Body Lotion all have the key ingredient, Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil, which not only is known to cheer your spirits it can also help tone and firm your skin!  The bright crisp aroma of this essential oil energizes and uplifts your spirit and is known for its healthy, natural benefits to our skin.

Free radicals are not throwbacks to the 60s! Chemically speaking, which I don’t do often, free radicals are when an atom is missing its electron. In order to find its balance, the atom grabs the electron from our skin (or body). This atom-snatching is what causes the wrinkling, creping, and loss of skin tone.

Free radicals are all around! They are caused by pollutants in the air such as dust, smoke, smog and our summertime friend, the sun! There is virtually no way to avoid encountering free radicals. What we can do is support our body’s reaction to them.

Using products, like Jordan Essentials Cellulite Scrub and Tone & Firm, can help rejuvenate skin and bring it back to its healthy, younger appearance. The antioxidants, Vitamins ACE, fight against the free radicals. With fewer free radicals, the skin can maintain a more youthful appearance.

Grapefruit Essential Oil may also increase the circulation. Increased circulation increases the oxygen to the skin and encourages quicker replacement of dead skin cells. Replacing the dull cells with new cells will brighten skin’s overall appearance. A brighter appearance is a younger appearance!
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Grapefruit Essential Oil also supports detoxification and helps to remove impurities and break down cellulite. Cellulite causes the bumpy, lumpy appearance that may show up as we age on our legs – particularly the thigh area. This is where both the Cellulite Scrub and Tone & Firm can produce noticeable differences in the first week!
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I love to use the exclusive Cellulite Scrub in the shower and then follow-up with applying the Tone & Firm Body Lotion as an all over body lotion up to and including my neck! It is uplifting and refreshing while supporting healthy skin!

It makes me feel good to have safe, natural alternatives like this for my family. If you’re like me and want to take a more natural approach to your healthy skincare, connect with me to see if these summer must-haves are a good fit for you or not.
~ Kim
Note: Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil can be photosensitive. Use caution when applying lotions and immediate exposure to sunlight. Slender Spray can be purchased at this link Tone & Firm Body Lotion can be purchased at this link
Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything. Information provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact your healthcare provider with specific concerns. Not endorsed by the FDA.

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